“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
Friday, January 14, 2011
We're All Tucsonians
Here are the President's remarks. If you don't have time to watch the entire thing, watch the last 10 minutes or so - but I would urge you to watch it all the way through.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
An American Tragedy
I think this is a pretty good time to start talking about the way folks in the political arena conduct themselves.
When you have high profile public figures equating our President with 1930's Hitler, followers of that figure will take it upon themselves to try to thwart that President's agenda, and those that support it, at any cost - even if that means approaching a Democratic Congressman during a public event and opening fire on her, her staff, and her constituents. If our President is Hitler, then those stopping his agenda - no matter the way they do it - must be heroes right?
During election season last year, Sarah Palin released these images showing a number of Congressman and women who voted for Health Care Reform. On the map of the United States, gun sights were placed strategically next to each district of each person who voted for Health Care Reform (See Pictures below).
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Frustrated Yet?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Gays in the Military and Senator McCain
Sunday, November 28, 2010
If you didn't notice, the red bars represent the job growth (or loss) under the Bush administration and the blue bars represent job numbers under the Obama administration.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Not Your Parent's Republican Party
I have not been around to experience that many election cycles, but I have been around enough to know this one is unique.
In 2008, we experienced a grassroots movement of ordinary people who were inspired by the simple idea that they could change their country. It was fueled by a positive belief that we can move this country forward by lifting its people up and solving problems our leaders have put off for decades.
In 2010, we are witnessing a different kind of movement – the Tea Party movement - filled with candidates who are proudly pursuing an agenda, fueled by anger, which would put a halt to progress, not just made over the past 2 years, but progress made over the past 50 years. Not only is their agenda frightening, as I will later explain, but their personal views are particularly disturbing.
These are the same folks that the pundits and the polls suggest are going to win in this year’s midterm elections, and win big.
In Kentucky, Republican Senate candidate, Rand Paul (son of former Congressman and Presidential hopeful, Ron Paul), says he may have not voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed major forms of discrimination and ended segregation.
The Republican Senate candidate from
Alaska’s Republican Senate candidate, Joe Miller, thinks the 17th Amendment that gives American citizens the right to elect Senators should be repealed; not to mention how he believes we should build a 21st century version of the Berlin Wall on our borders.
I could go on all day describing the troubling views of Tea Party candidates running for office all across this country (and I didn’t even mention some of their opposition to the federal minimum wage or their support of privatizing Social Security). According to the New York Times, there are 138 candidates affiliated with Tea Party movement running in races all across
But make no mistake; this is not your parent’s Republican Party. This is a Republican Party that has been hijacked by the loudest voices with the most extreme views, and this year we need to make sure we don’t let this Republican Party and the intolerance and extremism they promote take over any branch of our government.
If you think some of their extreme views aren’t enough to disqualify them, then take a look at their agenda.
The Republican Party’s line of attack is that the Democrats in Congress and the President in the White House love to recklessly spend money. Unfortunately, for them, the numbers just don’t add up.
Not only has the deficit been reduced by 8% in President Obama’s first fiscal year, but taxes have been cut, the auto industry has been saved, health care has been reformed, the markets have been stabilized, and we have seen nine straight months of private sector job growth. These are facts.
The Republican Party’s 2010 agenda which they titled, “The Pledge to
I know numbers and statistics bore the heck out of people and Tea Party candidates do their best to avoid dealing in facts, but I think it is extremely important that we take the time to inform ourselves before we go to the polls on November 2nd.
This Republican agenda claims it will cut spending, cut taxes, and put the country on a course to balancing the budget by 2020. Sounds good, right?
Well, here are the facts:
Their tax plan is projected to cost about $4 trillion; that’s $700 billion more expensive than the Obama administration’s plan. Keep in mind, that $700 billion extra (which will have to be borrowed) will go to tax cuts for millionaire and billionaires – people who are least likely to put it back into the economy.
Balancing the budget over the next ten years sounds good too, right? Well, the only way we could even come close to balancing the budget under “The Pledge to
I hope you’re still with me here because the next part is extremely important, particularly for college students.
In addition to the forty-eight page Republican proposal, the Republican leader in the house, Congressman John Boehner of Ohio, released a proposal that would cut education funding by about 20% which will lead to approximately 8 million students being slashed from student loan programs (according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities).
This is the choice we all face this year. Anger may lead us to believe that we must vote out the same people we elected two years ago because progress has not come fast enough. But when have you ever made a decision out of anger that you are satisfied with?
Progress is never easy. It takes time – especially when we have just gone through such a devastating recession. But giving up because progress is not always quick is not the right course of action – not now.
The Republican Party is banking on fear and anger to turn these elections in their favor. Prove them wrong and score a victory for sanity.