All Presidents - Democratic and Republican - have opponents and certain demographics that will never agree or try to seek common ground with them. Some folks just have philosophical and fundamental disagreements that are legitimate and open for discussion. It's normal. It's healthy. It's democracy.
But since President Obama took office, opposition based on fact has seemingly become a lost art. Those today who proudly call themselves "Tea Partiers" march in the streets carrying their signs preaching hate, violence, rebellion, secession, and racism. And while they aren't gathering in the streets, they are sending death threats to public officials with whom they disagree or shouting down their Congressmen and women at town hall meetings - meetings used to have civil discussions about where our country is and where it should be going.
Just last year, I went to one of these Tea Party events at Wes Point Park in Willoughby. It wasn't in my plans for the day but I was driving by and I heard shouting and saw signs much like the ones I described earlier except with a smaller degree of hate since it was still early yet in the Obama administration.
What made me stop as I was driving by was the shouting I heard from the loud speakers. They were talking about the people they opposed - the President, House Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Reid, and Democratic voters as a whole. They didn't speak with respect or with the acknowledgement that we're all Americans who want to see this nation succeed. Instead they gave speeches - one after the other - talking about who 'real Americans' are, where 'real America' is, and how they want their America back without actually being able to name a right they've lost or which piece of America is suddenly missing.
This is opposition fueled by partisanship and blind hatred and the Republican Party has been spending all of it's valuable time either inciting that hatred or obstructing progress in this country - or both at the same time.
So to the 'Tea Partiers' who claim to have a monopoly on patriotism: All of us put country first. All of us love this country. All of us want to see it succeed. As a group, all of you are doing exactly the opposite of what you claim to be doing. You are, in fact, pressing the pause button on progress in this country by blindly opposing measures your own party used to support before Barack Obama became President.
We need to march together with an understanding that everyone may not agree on each particular issue but we should work together to make sure we can agree on some common sense solutions for problems that need to be solved.
As you all take orders from Sarah Palin's Facebook page or Glenn Beck's televised nonsensical classroom lessons, remember what America stands for. Hate, violence, and mob rule weren't what this nation was founded upon.
It is the 21st Century. Hate like this shouldn't exist anymore in the United States of America. But it will continue to thrive so long as the Republican Party and its followers are more focused on provoking fear than solving problems.